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Even if you don't live in the VV boundary, you can get out of the parking lot and have your child ride the bus. Click the button above for more information.



Students experiencing a problem with another child, or aware of any unsafe condition, should report the complaint to the driver immediately or before leaving the bus.


Problems with bus scheduling? Contact First  Students.  Timothy Morehead, Location Manager, 520-209-7583. timothy.morehead@firstgroup,com


Dispatcher, Kellie Cabaniss, 520-209-7581


MAC Transportation Center
4510 N. Camino Escuela
Tucson, AZ 85718



Students are required to:

• be at their bus stop and be ready for pick-up FIVE minutes before the bus is due.

• have their student ID ready when the bus arrives.

• stand a safe distance back from the curb or roadway and line up single file, facing the street, when the bus approaches.  Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus.

• not move toward the bus or attempt to enter it until the bus has come to a complete stop.

• wait for the driver to motion them across the street when it is safe to cross, and walk in front of the bus by at least ten feet.

• always use steps and handrails, and never crowd or push when getting on or off the bus.

• do as the bus driver says and obey the driver’s instructions.

• always wear seat belts and remain seated at all times while the bus is in motion. 

• not eat or drink anything while on the bus.

• never stand, except to exit the bus at their stop, and remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop.

• never throw anything on the bus or out the bus window, or extend hands, arms, heads, or objects through the bus window.

• talk in normal tones; yelling, loud noises, or other behavior that could distract the driver is not allowed. 

• never use vulgar or abusive language.

• not tamper with safety devices or damage the interior or exterior of the bus.

• not block aisles, entrance door, and emergency doors.

• sit in seats that may be assigned by the driver and/or a school official.

• treat the bus driver and fellow passengers with respect.

• have written permission, approved by the school, to ride another bus or get off at a stop other than their own.

Riding a school bus is a privilege that will be suspended or revoked for inappropriate behavior. Building administrators have the flexibility to determine appropriate consequences for student misbehavior on a bus, depending upon the circumstances surrounding any incident.  However, per C.F.S.D. policy, bus riding privileges for a student who throws anything out of a bus window will be suspended for at least five school days.


When a suspension from the bus occurs, the parent or guardian is responsible for transporting the child to and from school.  If the child does not attend because of the suspension, the child will be considered truant.

When a student’s bus riding privileges are suspended, the suspension includes field trips and/or other extracurricular activities.


The bus driver, Director of Transportation, or the school administration have the authority, at any time, to assign riders to designated seats.

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Tel: 520-209-8000



6085 North Kolb Road

Tucson, AZ 85750

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