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Student Conduct Policy

Catalina Foothills School District has developed policies and procedures that govern student behavior.  These policies and procedures are listed in the document, Student Conduct Policy (JIC), which is provided to each student during the first week of school.  Parents are responsible for reviewing this document with their students.  Students are responsible for following the policies.  


CFSD and Ventana Vista does not tolerate bullying in any form.  The school counselor and classroom teachers teach students about the various types of bullying and what to do about it, including how to report such an incident.  The school will investigate each complaint of bullying and will take appropriate, timely, and responsive action.  A copy of the Student Violence/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying Policy (JICK-EB) (click on Section J--You do not need a password to view the policies) is displayed in all classrooms at the school.

The Ventana Vista staff has developed a discipline plan that is consistent with these policies and procedures.  This plan will be reviewed at the beginning of the school year in all classes and as needed throughout the year.

Discipline Guidelines, Policies & Forms

Ventana Vista is a community of learners in which students are expected to take responsibility for their behavior and academic achievement. A positive school environment is the result of parents, faculty, and administration articulating and consistently reinforcing high standards of student behavior. 

A positive, consistent approach to discipline which focuses on safety, respect, communication, self-discipline, problem solving, development of a positive self-image, and prevention of discipline problems is used at Ventana Vista. The following “Bobcat Code” encompasses all school rules and is stressed throughout the year:


The chart attached contains behavior expectations that align with the Bobcat Code for various locations around campus.  Students and staff members will discuss the Bobcat Code, as well as specific school procedures related to it, during the first week of school. 

The following methods will be employed when dealing with student behavior:


• Classroom and building rules will be cooperatively established, reviewed, and enforced.

• Conflict resolution and problem-solving skills will be taught and used with students.

• Positive behavior will be recognized and encouraged.

• Causes for misbehavior will be analyzed to facilitate prevention of behavior problems.

• Alternative approaches for dealing with the child’s behavior will be developed based on the analysis of causes as well as the effectiveness of previous approaches.

• Logical and natural consequences for behavior will be applied, when appropriate.

• Communication among staff, students, and parents will be ongoing.

• The effectiveness of behavior plans will be continually monitored, evaluated, and revised as necessary.

The principal and staff will seek and employ methods to develop responsible student conduct and alternatives to exclusionary discipline.  However, when a student’s conduct threatens safety, interferes with the right(s) of others, or violates the law, one or more of the following procedures will be employed:


1. Initial student misbehaviors will be handled by the adult directly involved with the student.  Logical and natural consequences will be applied.  Consequences may include verbal directions, time-out, or redirection.

2. Repeated infractions and misbehavior may result in the student receiving a note/call home.  This serves as a more formal reminder to the student and a communication between school and home that a problem exists.

3. Repeated and/or serious rule infractions and misbehaviors will result in a referral to the principal.  The child will be asked to discuss the problem and develop a plan for solving the problem.  The purpose of the support is to assist students in regaining self-control and to help students understand that choices affect behaviors, that behaviors have consequences, and that reflective action plans can prevent future problems.  The plan will be sent home for parental signature. If this behavior involves other students, a restorative conference may take place to restore the relationships.  Restorative conferences will be held by a counselor.  

4. Continued, serious or repetitive misbehaviors will be reviewed by the classroom teacher, who will determine if a behavior plan and further conferences with parents, the principal, support staff, are warranted.

5. Inappropriate behavior may result in restriction from the playground, multipurpose room,  and/or bus.  The child may be placed in a time-out, the office, or another classroom.

6. Severe violations of school guidelines including possession of contraband, endangering self or others, severe noncompliance, will result in immediate referral to the principal.  Emergency situations which require further interventions or exclusionary procedures may be referred to the Superintendent.

7. Violation of the law may result in notification of authorities.


CFSD Discipline, Harrasment and Bullying documents are attached below.





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