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Classroom Communication
You and your child’s teacher are working together with the common goal of fostering your child’s education and development. Open communication between parents and teachers is important to your child’s successful school year. First, be sure that you are getting Parent Square messages. If you are unsure what this is, please contact the front office or the classroom teacher. This is the primary mode of communication about classroom learning and events. Here are some other suggestions for establishing a comfortable system of communication with your child’s classroom teacher:(1) Many teachers can be reached before or after the school day. It is everyone’s goal to return phone calls/emails within 24 hours; (2) At an early conference, you can discuss with the teacher what system of communication will work well for you; (3) If you leave a message, please indicate a good time to contact you; (4) Notes may be sent in your child’s backpack. If there are questions or concerns that arise, it is best to address them immediately, rather than wait for a scheduled conference. When parents and teachers work together as a team to share insights and understanding of a situation, usually a satisfactory solution can be reached. Some helpful guidelines include:
(1) Schedule a meeting with the teacher. Let him or her know what you’d like to discuss so the teacher can be prepared;
(2) Meet with the teacher;
(3) Not all issues can be resolved with a single meeting. Continue to work with the teacher to reach a solution.
(4) If you feel the problem is not being resolved, meet with the teacher and the principal together.
Regular written classroom communication will be through Parent Square as this is our School and District communication system. Please plan to attend our curriculum night in August. Also, please plan to attend our Family Teacher Teams meetings in September. Your child’s teacher will provide a written overview of the classroom program for the year for you to learn about the classroom in general.
School Communication
Our weekly Ventana Vistas newsletter will be sent to you through Parent Square. In order to stay abreast of important information, please receive these messages via text, email or the free App from your app store for your smart phone. If you do not have computer/email access and need to receive a paper copy of the newsletter, copies are available in the front office upon request.
School Visitation
Parents are always welcome at Ventana Vista. We ask that all parents, visitors, and volunteers follow our CFSD visitor procedure to verify that guests are authorized to visit the campus during the school day when students are in session:
1. Visitors may enter only at the front of the campus through the administrative office.
2. If the visitor is confirmed as someone who will be given access to the campus, he/she signs in and receives a numbered visitor badge in exchange for an item of value (e.g., car keys, phone).
3. When returning to the same office area to exit the campus, the visitor will hand off the visitor badge in exchange for the item of value left earlier in the day when checking-in. Classroom learning should not be interrupted unless you have contacted the teacher in advance for an appointment or you are a scheduled volunteer. If you would like to make an appointment with a teacher or an administrator, please call or email to set up an appointment time. Teachers should not be disrupted during class time to conduct a conference.
Parent Conferences
Student progress is communicated through a combination of written reports and parent-teacher conferences. Parent-Teacher conferences are held in the fall and in the spring of each school year. The purpose of the conference is to provide an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and special needs with his/her teacher. These conferences are a very important part of the school year and an effort should be made to attend. Teachers are available during a block of time and families are assigned a conference time. It will help you and the teacher if you come to the conference prepared with a list of specific questions that you would like addressed.
Parents are welcome to call their child’s teacher anytime during the school year to request additional conferences.
On occasion, your child’s teacher may also call you regarding your child’s progress.
Parent conference dates are scheduled as follows: October 22, 23, 24, and March 14.
Reporting To Parents
Progress reports are designed to provide a clear reflection of how students are performing in school. They will be provided three times a year using a trimester reporting system. You can access these reports using ParentVUE. You created a username and password for ParentVUE when you registered your child for school. Report cards are not printed and sent home. You can print a copy of the report card from your ParentVUE account if you prefer a hard copy.
Student Records
Please keep the school informed of any changes in health needs, address, home and work phone numbers, e-mail addresses, emergency contact numbers, guardianship, and child care arrangements. The cumulative record is an individual report on each student, required by law. It may be viewed by the school staff and parents or guardians, in the presence of the school principal or designee. Only appropriate CFSD staff and the child’s parents/guardians may see the record unless it is subpoenaed by the court.
Child Custody
In most cases, when parents are divorced, both mother and father continue to have equal rights where their children are concerned. If you have a court order limiting the custody, communication, or visitation rights of one parent, please bring a copy to the school office. Unless the court order is on file at Ventana Vista, we must provide equal rights to both parents.