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Health Services

A health assistant is assigned to Ventana Vista Elementary School during school hours to provide health services to students and to staff per CFSD policy. A Registered Nurse is assigned to our campus one day per week and is on call for questions. 


In the case of injuries or Illnesses, treatment will be initiated based on the “Emergency and Prevention Guidelines for Schools” and “Communicable Disease” Arizona State Flip Charts. If a child has a temperature of 100 degrees or more, vomiting, diarrhea, widespread rash, open or draining sores, eye irritation or drainage from the eye, the student should be excluded from school. The child should be fever free for 24 hours without medication before coming back to school. If we are unable to reach the parent/guardian to pick up the student, the designee on the Emergency Health Form will be contacted. 



The health office requires all students to have a completed and signed Health Information/Emergency form. This information is needed for your student’s health record to provide the appropriate care on a daily and an emergency basis. Parents/guardians should notify the School Nurse if the student has a serious medical condition. The Emergency Health Form, which will be completed by the beginning of the school year, must have complete information regarding whom to call and current telephone numbers in case of an emergency. All students are required to have a completed Health History Form in the Health Office. Immunization Requirements For School Entry Arizona State law requires parents/guardians of new entrants to present a signed, documented record which includes dates of all required immunizations. Schools will be responsible for excluding those who have not started the shots or who are overdue for the next dose. Exemptions to immunization requirements are available. 


Forms may be downloaded from the district website at 


Vision and Hearing Screenings 

Annual vision screenings are a part of the CFSD health program for certain grades. We also perform state mandated hearing screenings. 


Medication at School 

When it is essential to a student’s health that medicine (including over-the-counter medication) be taken during school hours:

 • There must be a written order from a licensed Arizona PCP stating the name of the medicine, the dosage and the time it is to be given. Parent consent form must be completed. Medication must be FDA approved. 

• The medication must be in the original pharmacy or over-the-counter container. 

• Forms for students to carry and self-administer Epi-pens and Inhalers are available from the health office. 

• Parents of Pre K-8th graders must hand deliver prescription medication to the school health office. 

• Supervision of medication administration protocol is managed by a Registered Nurse. In the nurse’s absence, medication will be administered by an agent/district employee designated by the principal; usually the health assistant or office secretary. 

• When medications are discontinued or the school year has ended, the parent/guardian must pick up medications or they will be discarded. 


Acetaminophen, Tums, and Cough Drops 

Catalina Foothills School District has standing orders from the Pima County Health Department for the administration of Acetaminophen, Tums, and cough drops (Cough drops are available for middle school students only). Students must have a current Over the Counter permission form signed by the parent and updated health history to receive medication. 


Injuries or Illnesses Injuries or illnesses treatment will be initiated based on the Emergency and Prevention Guidelines for Schools and Communicable Disease Arizona State Flip-Charts. 

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Tel: 520-209-8000



6085 North Kolb Road

Tucson, AZ 85750

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