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Parking Lot Procedures

Children should arrive at school no earlier than 7:40 a.m., when supervision begins. Students must go directly home through parent pick up, walking, or busses when dismissed at 3:00 p.m. 


The parking lot at Ventana Vista can become congested at arrival and dismissal times.  To ensure the safety of students and adults, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • If it is available to you, please allow your child to utilize the district school bus service whenever possible.  

  • If you are unable to utilize the bus service, please consider carpooling with a neighbor or a friend.  

  • Students may be dropped off or picked up using the long designated drop off lane.  The line for this begins in the North parking lot prior to us opening our gate for dropoff.  

  • Enter off of Kolb Road. Stay to the left. The area to the right is for bus service only. Form one lane only. 

  • NEVER get out of your car during arrival or dismissal. Children can exit the vehicle independently or with staff assistance if needed during arrival. During dismissal, staff will assist those who need it. Let the adult know if you need help with a car seat buckle. We need to keep the line  moving as efficiently as possible.

  • The drop off and pickup lane are similar to the airport, pull to the inside lane to drop off and pickup and then pull out to the outside lane.

  • Have your placard hanging from your rearview mirror so we can expedite loading of children into cars.   

  • Please do not park during drop off  or pick up.  And never park in the surrounding neighborhoods or apartment complexes. It is illegal to do so.

  • Parking is permitted in designated spaces in the north lot only during the school day if you have business on campus. 

  • Golf carts are expected to follow the same guidelines as other vehicles during drop-off and pick-up times.

  • Please exercise extreme caution in the parking lots at all times, DO NOT use your cell phone and remember to be courteous to our crossing guards, staff members and other Ventana Vista families!


At both arrival and dismissal time, staff members will be available to ensure student safety by escorting students to and from vehicles and helping them cross using designated crosswalks.  Please remind your child to walk on sidewalks and to use the crosswalks.

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Tel: 520-209-8000



6085 North Kolb Road

Tucson, AZ 85750

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